Terms and Coditions

Copyright and Usage Restrictions

All content on the website and within courses is the exclusive property of Akademia UK Ltd and is protected under copyright law.

Redistribution or reproduction of any course materials, in whole or in part, is strictly prohibited, except for personal and non-commercial use as follows:

You may download materials to a local hard drive for personal use only.

Sharing or copying content to third parties is prohibited unless explicitly permitted with written consent.

Unauthorized distribution, commercial exploitation, or storage of materials in other websites or retrieval systems is prohibited.

Any breach of these terms may result in immediate termination of access without refund and legal action where necessary.

Refund Policy

Refunds are subject to the conditions specified in the Refund Policy.

Requests for refunds must be made within the specified timeframe and are subject to approval.

Technical Support

Users experiencing technical issues with access to the course may contact our support team for assistance.

It is the user’s responsibility to ensure they have the necessary technical requirements to access the course materials.

Website Disclaimer

The information on this website is for general informational purposes only. While we strive to ensure accuracy, we make no guarantees about the completeness or reliability of the information.

Akademia UK Ltd is not liable for any losses or damages arising from the use of the website or its content.

Links to third-party websites are provided for convenience, and we are not responsible for their content or availability.

Changes to Terms

We reserve the right to update these Terms and Conditions at any time. Any changes will be communicated through our official channels.

Access to Courses

Access to the course is granted for the duration specified at the time of purchase. The duration of access depends on the selected price and package.

Information about the course access period is clearly displayed at the time of purchase.

The price of the course determines the length of access, which may vary depending on the selected package.

Each course and package will have specific terms of access detailed in the purchase description.

The extension period for course access may vary depending on the product (course). Extensions may be available as a monthly or yearly subscription. For courses without such an option, access will only be available for the specified period and can be renewed by repurchasing the course.

Access to private support groups or additional services is dependent on the purchased course and package. If these benefits are directly linked to the course, loss of access to the course will also result in the loss of access to materials, groups, and other additional benefits.

Post-Purchase Access Details

After purchase, detailed information regarding the access duration can be found in your Student Profile.

Navigate to the Order History / Orders section and select the relevant order to view the details of the purchased product, including the access period.

Course Packages

Different course packages may offer varying durations of access based on the pricing tiers.

It is the user’s responsibility to review the package details before purchase to ensure it meets their needs.

By purchasing a course, you agree to these Terms and Conditions, including all copyright restrictions and usage guidelines. If you have any questions, please contact our support team for clarification.


Strona akademiaksiegowosci.com przedstawia wyłącznie prywatne opinie autorów i nie ponosi odpowiedzialności za decyzje prawno-finansowe czytelników. Treści zamieszczone na stronie nie stanowią porad prawnych czy podatkowych, lecz są jedynie subiektywnymi poglądami na omawiane kwestie. Nie gwarantujemy, że wszystkie informacje dotyczące prawa finansowego, podatków i działań HMRC (Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs) są zawsze aktualne i kompleksowe. Prawo finansowe i przepisy podatkowe często ulegają zmianom, dlatego przed podjęciem jakichkolwiek decyzji zawsze zalecamy konsultację z profesjonalnym doradcą podatkowym lub prawnikiem specjalizującym się w prawie finansowym.

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